Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reflection on Joke Video Assignment

The videos that I will be reflecting on come from Chris Rushes blog “Rush Delivery.”  I thought this groups videos were the best in the class other then my own groups videos of curse but that should go without saying.  As soon as Big Blonde Women and Blondes and Puppets hit the film festivals we are going to clean up, but as much as it pains me we are not hear to talk about me we are hear to talk about Rushes groups videos.  The first joke video, that will from here on be known as the star wars video because it had no title, was one of my favorites in the class.  I liked the way they used space.  In the scene where they are sitting up against the fence drinking it was very flat space, which focused the audiences attention on the interaction.  In that same scene they use the lines of the fence to point towards the subjects on the screen, which directed the audiences attention towards the action.  The star wars video also made use of tension and release.  They did this by making you think that the guy is going to get in trouble for the wreck when it wasn’t his fault.  The release comes when he sticks the girl in the car with the alcohol and pins the whole thing on her.  The second joke video The Bicycle Accident makes great use of irony.  The whole movie is ironic in a way because it is a bicycle accident and they play it out like it was a car accident.  Although I enjoyed all of the videos from class I thought Rushes group did the best job besides my group of course but I already said that.

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