Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reimagining Visual Framing

The image I chose to reframe was from Dali.  I was originally drawn to the image because it is awesome.  There is so much going on in the picture you have to look close to see everything.  One would think I would be tempted (like what I did there the painting is called “The Temptation”) to choose the naked lady in the doorway as the area that I would zoom in and focus on but no I’m much classier then that.  I chose to reframe elephant in the back with the mansion in the sky.  The original image, as well as the reframed image would both be considered a Long Shot.  There is a lot of depth in the original frame with images in the foreground like the naked guy on the ground with the cross.  Images in the middle ground like the parade of elephants with naked women and buildings on them, as well as, images in the background like the elephant that I reframed that is a little bit lighter then the others.  All of this gives the frame deep space.  There is lots of contrast in the original image.  The lighter elephant in the back that I have reframed contrasts the dark elephants in the parade of temptation.  The picture affects the conscious.  When you look at the picture you are actively thinking that this guy is being tempted.  I think the artist framed the picture the way he did because there is more to it then just the little part I focused on.  If he just drew the part that I zoomed in on the picture would look incomplete.  I think the original image is an awesome picture there is a lot of detail and things you don’t notice at first glance.  

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