Monday, January 17, 2011

Three people who influences me as a creative person

There are many people out there in the world of film, television and music that influences me as a creative person.  Sometimes I think that the best influence on myself as a creative person is myself, but if I have to pick three it would probably go a little something like this.

Quentin Tarantino

            I have been a fan of Quentin Tarantino for a while.  I love how all of his movies are filled with blood and violence.  He is always pushing the envelope.  He always keeps you on the edge of your seat.  This is especially true in Reservoir Dogs.  He always keeps you wanting more.  His movies take you on a ride, and make you ask the question what just happened.  Most of all Quentin is a master at using Tension and Release in his films.  He does this through the score, the dialog, and the framing of the shots.  This is a common theme throughout all of his movies but is never more present then in his film Inglorious Bastards.  There is Tension and Release right off the bat when the dairy farmers is Hiding the Jews from the Jew hunter.  Below is a trailer for the film.

Eric Roth

            I can’t say that I am a huge fan of Eric Roth. I know he wrote the screenplay for Forrest Gump, but I couldn’t tell you anything else that he did.  However, I love that movie, and don’t need to know anything else he did because that movie alone proves what a creative person he is.  I think it won something like six academy awards.  The script has many examples of Irony in it.  When Forrest Gump was talking about Lieutenant Dan he said “he had a relative die in every single American war, I guess you could say he has a lot to live up to.”  There are examples of irony like that throughout the script.  Tom Hanks does a great job at making the script come to life.  I couldn’t find that exact scene on youtube but here is the trailer for the film.

Darren Aronofsky

            I love Darren Aronofsky films even though I haven’t seen Black swan yet.  Requiem for a Dream is one of my favorite movies.  The way that Aronofsky makes films is very unique.  You can always tell when your watching one of his movies.  I love the way he uses sound like the pop pop when the grandma is taking pills in Requiem.  Not just sound but the visuals help you know its an Aronofsky film.  He has a unique look to his movies.  I cant really know exactly what  it is but I think its mostly a cobination of the way he frames and lights the shot.  He does a great job of using Conscious and Sub-Conscious.  In Requiem your watching the people’s lives get destroyed on screen and its affecting the Sub-Conscious.  All of his movies tend to affect you on different levels.  Here is a trailer for Requiem for a Dream.

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